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  Case Discussions
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Track 1 Introduction by Neil Love, MD
Track 2 Case 1: A 60-year-old woman with a T1, Grade II bronchoalveolar carcinoma
Track 3 Use of adjuvant erlotinib in “oligosmokers”
Track 4 Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and hepatic toxicity
Track 5 Use of EGFR assessment and phenotypic characteristics to select patients for TKI therapy
Track 6 Treatment algorithm after progression on a TKI
Track 7 Case 2: A 64-year-old man with a 2.5-cm right upper lobe Stage IB non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Track 8 Selection of adjuvant chemotherapy in NSCLC
Track 9 Comparison of dose, schedule and toxicity between paclitaxel and docetaxel
Track 10 Treatment of patients refractory to platinum-based chemotherapy
Track 11 Sequential versus concurrent chemoradiation in patients with local recurrence
Track 12 Use of bevacizumab with chemotherapy
Track 13 Tumor location and histology and bevacizumab-associated risk of hemoptysis
Track 14 Nanoparticle albumin-bound (nab) paclitaxel
Track 15 Converting NSCLC into a chronic disease with newer agents and targeted therapies
Track 16 Use of chemotherapeutic agents as radiation sensitizers
Track 17 Case 3: A 67-year-old man with a 3.5-cm, poorly differentiated N2 large-cell carcinoma
Track 18 Concurrent cisplatin/etoposide and radiation therapy followed by consolidation docetaxel
Track 19 Improvements in the prognosis of Stage III NSCLC with SWOG regimen of cisplatin/etoposide followed by docetaxel maintenance
Track 20 Smoking cessation in patients diagnosed with cancer
Track 21 Guilt and stigma associated with a diagnosis of lung cancer
Track 22 Case 4: A 71-year-old woman with a 2.5-cm extra-axial subcutaneous skull mass, a pulmonary lesion and multiple lytic bone lesions
Track 23 Carboplatin/taxane with bevacizumab as first-line therapy
Track 24 Novel targeted therapies under development for lung cancer
Track 25 Importance of managing pain and anorexia to optimize chemotherapy outcome
Track 26 Case 5: A 79-year-old woman with right upper lobe NSCLC and a 2.0-cm contralateral axillary node, with widespread metastatic disease
Track 27 Treatment options in elderly patients with metastatic disease and multiple comorbidities
Track 28 Erlotinib versus docetaxel in an asymptomatic elderly patient with metastatic disease
Track 29 Treatment approach in poor performance status patients due to tumorrelated symptomatology
Track 30 Case 6: An 82-year-old man with a lymph node positive for neuroendocrine carcinoma consistent with SCLC
Track 31 Treatment considerations for presumed SCLC with no evidence of disease and an unknown primary
Track 32 Importance of multidisciplinary involvement in defining treatment options
Roy S Herbst, MD, PhD
Chief, Section of Thoracic Medical Oncology
Associate Professor of Medicine
Co-Director, Phase I Clinical
Trials Working Group
Department of Thoracic, Head and Neck
Medical Oncology
The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

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Track 1 Introduction
Track 2 Incorporation of bevacizumab into adjuvant clinical trials of lung cancer
Track 3 ZD6474: A novel dual-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor against VEGF and EGFR
Track 4 Side-effect profile of ZD6474
Track 5 Development of novel targeted therapies in lung cancer
Track 6 Research strategies to identify predictive markers
Track 7 Importance of obtaining tissue in current lung cancer clinical trials
Track 8 Use of neoadjuvant studies to evaluate therapeutic agents in lung cancer
Track 9 Treatment of EGFR inhibitor-associated rash
Track 10 Tumor histology and location and risk of bleeding associated with bevacizumab
Track 11 Use of bevacizumab in patients with CNS metastases
Track 12 Potential rationale for bleeding events associated with bevacizumab
Track 13 Potential antitumor effects of bevacizumab on primary and distant metastatic disease
Track 14 Use of erlotinib with or without chemotherapy in nonsmokers
Track 15 Use of bevacizumab and erlotinib combination
Track 16 Ongoing and future research strategies to develop targeted therapies in lung cancer